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Archives: Muzak

2015 16 Juli

Now gone

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Muzak Holdings existed since 1934. Since its crash in 2011 it’s now part of Mood Media Corporation in Austin, TX. This company delivered non-stop background music, compiled individually for the respective place. The term „Muzak“ became a sort of genre labeling itself.

I found this wonderful old volume controller two weeks ago in the rooms of a photo studio which is located on the 2nd floor of Macy’s, Downtown Pittsburgh.

Two days ago, after years of thinking, planning and rethinking how to downsize the overdimensioned building, Macy’s finally announced they will give up this location completely. The 13-floor building with all its tradition will now be used for apartments and a hotel. Next week the clearance sale will start.

This historic elevator music artifact will be lost forever then.

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