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Archives: James Taylor

2020 5 Feb.

American Standard

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Suddenly a door jumps open and in comes a topic-related interest. A well known acquaintance by the name of James Taylor pays another visit in my mind. The mature October Road was a fresh surprise and like the soundtrack of some love affair. We luckily had kind of a letterman that days, Schmidt was his name and in his TV show one late night his sideman Helmut Zerlett brought the conversation to your album. He called it brilliant, with a featured drummer legend named Steve Gadd. These days again I am trying to figure out some songs of yours on my guitar, like we did often in that folky days of the last century´s Seventies. Your voice is a gem and the fingerpicking style is unique, combining folk, jazz, country and the good old rock´n roll. Looking forward listening to American Standard in a couple of days.


2018 10 Feb.

Spettacoli mit James Taylor

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Well I rang up Pantucci

Spoke to Luchi

I gave them all


Zuerst wollte ich als Fat Lady of Limbourg gehen, dann entschied ich mich doch für das Sprachkostüm. Da ich mich auf dem ultrasnobbistischen Festival in Sanremo bewege, trage ich die Cat-Eye gegen die südliche Sonne und ein schwarzes Midlength dress, natürlich alles Gucci. Ich wollte James Taylor wiedersehen, my sweet baby James, young as 68, what the hell is he doing here? We were so young, when he sounded already so old. He was 20 then … So many drugs, so many chicks … In Sanremo he performs with Giorgia, la star italiana. Sie ist so jung wie das Lied von Carol King, 1971 geboren.


Quando sei triste, preoccupato, dice il testo,

Quando hai bisognio di una mano et niente va il verso giusto

Chiudi gli occhi e pensami, lo arrivero, correndo



James Taylor und Giorgia in duetto, bellissima!


Ich ziehe mein Kostüm noch nicht aus. Es muss mich noch durch die ersten Höllenkreise von Dante begleiten. Nächstes Jahr gehe ich als Beatrice, certo!


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