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Archives: Gedichte

2021 24 Dez.

Gedicht 2

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Die eine Nacht der Herrlichkeit

von Rainer Maria Rilke 1897


Es treibt der Wind im Winterwalde 

Die Flockenherde wie ein Hirt  

Und manche Tanne ahnt wie balde 

Sie fromm und lichterheilig wird.

Und lauscht hinaus den weißen Wegen

Streckt sie die Zweige hin – bereit,

Und wehrt dem Wind, und wächst entgegen

Der einen Nacht der Herrlichkeit.


2021 22 Dez.

Gedicht 1

| Filed under: Blog | RSS 2.0 | TB | Tags:  | 3 Comments


Lana Turner has collapsed

by Frank O‘ Hara


Lana Turner has collapsed!

I was trotting along and suddenly

it startet raining and snowing

and you said it was hailing

but hailing hits you on the head

hard so it was really snowing and

raining and I was in such a hurry

to meet you but the traffic

was acting exactly like the sky

and suddenly I see a headline


there is no snow in Hollywood

there is no rain in California

I have been to lots of parties

and acted perfectly disgraceful

but I never actually collapsed

oh Lana Turner we love you get up


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