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Archives: Anthony Doerr

The new novel by Anthony Doerr, to be released by C. H. Beck in German translation next week, will most likely be featured in Michael’s radio night „Klanghorizonte“ at the Deutschlandfunk, in December, along with music from Radiohead’s forthcoming archival discovery, Robert Wyatt‘s „Cuckooland“, Lambchop‘s 2021 masterpiece and a terrific new / old ambient piece by Brian Eno.



An ambient piece for my desert island playlist, nearly unbearbly beautiful, and strangely lost among the chance choices of a vast archive spanning from 1990 to 2021: The Lighthouse #166. 


„The book is a puzzle. The greatest joy in it comes from watching the pieces snap into place*. It is an epic of the quietest kind, whispering across 600 years in a voice no louder than a librarian’s. It is a book about books, a story about stories. It is tragedy and comedy and myth and fable and a warning and a comfort all at the same time. It says, Life is hard. Everyone believes the world is ending all the time. But so far, all of them have been wrong. It says that if stories can survive, maybe we can, too.“ (Jason Sheehan, NPR)

* Dieser Satz beschreibt übrigens sehr gut bestimmte Aha-Erlebnisse und Momente, wenn in den „Klanghorizonten“ klanglich disparates Material auf einmal seltsam zusammengehörig wirkt. (m.e.)

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