
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2015 8 Juni

Breaking news

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

The book is going to start with its bilingual concept meaning 85/90: 10 (German vs. English). So, in this moment in time we’re nine from ten, one still thinking. To reduce the probability of failure (if we fail, then we’ll do it within a short amount of time), the first chapter will be our holographic test for the whole thing. The process can be read in the 3-part-excursion to a rainy part of Great Britain. Posted two days ago. So, the working title now is slightly more low key: „Ego Dumping in the Outer Hebrides – Das Buch der Manafonisten“. At least two or three Manafonistas will set their sails and dump their egos in that Northern wilderness.

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