
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2012 28 Mai

HowTheLightGetsIn2012 – The Philosophy and Music Festival at Hay

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 2 Comments

Philosophy Session
Four Ways to Live Forever
Stephen Cave
Who’s afraid of the Reaper? Philosopher and writer Stephen Cave argues that we all are – and that we are all following one of four paths that promise we can evade him. Find out which one you are on and where it will take you.

(June, 2)

Ein erstaunliches Festivalprogramm, hier nur ein Highlight von vielen. Tea, Music and Philosophy – ein interessantes Alternativprogramm zu Sex and Drugs and Rock’n’Roll (oder, äh, sind das nicht schon drei Wege, ewig zu leben?! … :)) Mehr zu dem Buch „Immortality“ des Philosophen Steven Crave findet sich im Kommentar Zwei …

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  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Or this one, hu hu, we are three of six billions….

    Philosophy Session
    Six Billion Authors in Search of an Audience
    Caroline Smailes, Helen Lederer, Ewan Morrison, Scott Pack. Gabriel Gbadamosi chairs.
    In an age of self publishing and writers‘ workshops, the idea that we all have a novel inside of us has become commonplace. But how essential is writing to individuality? Has the internet facilitated one of our most deep-rooted desires, or has it opened up the false hope of a readership, a performance without meaning?
    Critical theorist, writer and commentator Ewan Morrison, actress and comedian Helen Lederer, blogger and experimental novelist Caroline Smailes, and Harper Collins publicist and Me and My Big Mouth blogger Scott Pack consider the impact of the internet on a new generation of writers.

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    „A riveting read… excellent.“

    — Elaine Storkey, BBC Radio 3

    „An epic inquiry into the human desire to defy death – and how to overcome it.

    Cave traces the histories of each of his four immortality narratives through the world’s great religions, heroes, leaders, thinkers and stories. It’s an epic tale of human folly, featuring a cast of characters including Gilgamesh, Dante, Frankenstein, the King of Qin, Alexander the Great and the Dalai Lama.

    Cave, a Berlin-based writer and former diplomat, is an admirably clear elucidator, stripping down arguments to their essences and recounting them without any unnecessary jargon… [he] follows the right path to the right conclusion, rightly stated.“

    — The Financial Times

    „Stephen Cave’s Immortality is a must-read exploration of what spurs human ingenuity.

    Every once in a while a book comes along that catches me by surprise and provides me with an entirely new lens through which to view the world. My surprise is even greater when that „aha“ moment comes within my own field of expertise. Such is the case with Stephen Cave’s book Immortality.

    Many will resist Cave’s premise, but I think he is right on point. He presents an extremely compelling case – one that has changed my view of the driving force of civilisation as much as Jared Diamond did years ago with his brilliant book Guns, Germs and Steel. I won’t tell you Cave’s vision of where he thinks it will all end up – I’ll leave that mystery for you to discover for yourself. This is a must read.“

    — The New Scientist

    “In his survey of the subject, Stephen Cave, a British philosopher, argues that man’s various tales of immortality can be boiled down into four basic “narratives”… For the aspiring undying, Mr Cave unfortunately concludes that immortality is a mirage. But his demolition project is fascinating in its own right. … If anything, readers might want more of Mr Cave’s crisp conversational prose.”

    — The Economist

    „In his ambitious and engrossing new book, Immortality, Stephen Cave invites us to reflect on the implications of perpetual existence, arguing that whether we know it or not, every decision we make is driven by our desire to outlast death. Part historical narrative, part philosophical treatise, Immortality examines the spectrum of human accomplishment through the unique lens of our collective obsession with living forever.

    Cave’s fascinating study identifies four imperatives—what he calls the “immortality narratives”—which account for nearly every feature of civilization, from advances in modern medicine to the development of sophisticated religious systems, politics and the arts. … Cave makes the case for understanding civilization via these immortality narratives by supporting them with rich historical anecdotes. 

    …The way he seamlessly blends theory, research and narrative into a coherent and accessible whole testifies to the breadth of his talents as a writer… The greatest strength of Immortality, then, is its capacity to appeal to readers of all stripes.“

    — BookPage

    „Cave explains how the seeking of immortality is the foundation of human achievement, the wellspring of art, religion and civilization… The author is rangy and recondite, searching the byways of elixirs, the surprises of alchemy, the faith in engineering and all the wonder to be found in discussions of life and death… Luminous and mindful.“

    — Kirkus Reviews

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