on life, music etc beyond mainstream
2023 26 Feb.
von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags: David Toop, Quartz Mirliton Cassettes, V/A Quartz-Mirliton Cassette Recordings 1970-1979 (David Toop / Paul Burwell / Bob Cobbing / ABana Trio / Rain in the Face / Max Eastley / Frank Perry / Steve Beresford..., vinyl on demand | 1 Comment
More (from „The Two Michaels“ soon!)
Michael‘s Introduction:
Michael‘ sidestep to Obscure Records & Meeting David Toop (kristiansand and london in the 90‘s, 1995 or 1997)
PUNKT 2017
It was the first time Sidsel Endresen and David Toop met in performance. David Toop, author of a couple of key books on music as „Rap Attack,“ „Ocean of Sound,“ „Haunted Weather,“ „Sinister Resonance,“ and „Into the Maelstrom,“ is a measured and mindful performer. Sidsel Endresen is a quite visceral, strong and at times accelerating explosive performer. How would these two different temperaments catalyze each other or intertwine? The performance started with sparse tonal gestures letting time pass. After a longer Endresen switched to a higher gear and speed of vocal articulation while Toop kept his more sedate pace. Thus a fine-grained soil emerged traversed by crinkly vocal traces—open to a subsequent live-remix.
The somewhat rudimentary performance of Sidsel Endresen and David Toop provided a wonderful draft to work with and convert into a marvelously fitting complement of a two-part unity, which Jan Bang, Erik Honoré, bassist Mats Eilertsen and drummer Anders Engen did joyfully and brilliantly. It was also accomplished due to the close familiarity of the remixing crew with the work of Sidsel Endresen: it was a home game to enjoy.
Michael 2:
2017. Kristiansand. Music aims at ears. The ears are the basecamp for all things music can set in motion. Thoughts, sensations, emotions, dances, words, whatever. Henning Bolte‘s way is peculiar. Often when listening to a concert, with a collection of coloured penicils in place, and blank paper at hand, he starts with the first sounds – drawing lines, energetic repsonses, mood reflections, instant composing (visually). No post-production, except the artists‘s autographs.
So, after the duo of Sidsel Endresen and David Toop had delivered their magic – the live-remix team took center stage, and worked with snippets of sound, short motives, loops, of voice and sounds from duo before, extending its suggestions, making diversions, deepening the space, drifting, going somewhere else entirely, who knows? Henning listened, painted – it is a simple modus operandi, and often, in the end, so rewarding. I chose one with a calmer mood, there are lots of others, with deep colour fulfillments, elements of „action painting“, breathing spaces. Always good to stay at one drawing a bit longer.
It might not be so easy, to reflect on how the live remix of Bang, Honoré, Eilertsen, (who was the fourth one?), might have sounded like, but, looking at the picture, there are certain indications: a deep amount of quietness seems to be involved, an exploring of tiny things, a melodic touch to recurring textures. And Sidsel’s voice looming from hidden places!