
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2023 22 Jan.

A kiss that only happened once

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags: , , , , | 8 Comments




Once upon a time in the 70’s, a woman (photographer) I was on the edge of falling in love with (but never did) asked me to write poems inspired by her pictures, for an exhibition. It took place in the „Cafe Peter“ in Würzburg, in the basement. Bright walls, the photographer’s spacious landscape motifs – „Discreet Music“ and „The Plateaux of Mirror“ were the  only albums played there. Permanently. Quietly. Gentle does it. The woman who owned the café came to me days after the opening, and told me the music would be creating a little dizziness in her head, she felt a strange pull. And, frankly, in the long run she would probably lose her mind. We reduced the times of playing the background. Everything forced is lost anyway in the sounds of „Discreet Music“ – something came around the corner and disappeared behind the next one. It came back again. And again. And then disappeared. And came again. And disappeared. Dizziness may happen, of course. Soft confusion. Everlasting love to sensations on the verge of falling apart. Sarah for example, the photographer, a shadow from the past. I would have loved to sleep with her, but instead she taught me ten tricks for taking out an aggressor at a moment’s notice (in emergencies). Beautiful music, she said, and gave me that short kiss, three, four secs of timelessness, the type of „this happens only once“-kiss. I never forgot its taste.


(in dear memory of my teacher Dr. Egon Werlich)

This entry was posted on Sonntag, 22. Januar 2023 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Ursula Mayr:

    Ich erinnere mich gut an die Ausstellung im Alten Peter. Magisch, der Dreiklang von Wort, Bildern und Musik. In meiner Erinnerung war die Farbe Gelb in den Bildern sehr dominant und ich fragte mich warum.

    Ich besuchte sie mit einem aufrechten Marxisten, der dauernd dreinsah als habe er in eine Zitrone gebissen. Er war Dramaturg und Schauspieler, dichtete selbst und konnte keine anderen Götter haben neben sich. Du warst auch da.

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Those were the days, my dear!

    Magic inside and outside and we just didn‘t realize it all the time.

  3. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Ich wusste gar nicht (mehr), dass du da warst. Wir waren da wohl in unseren eigenen Umlaufbahnen…

  4. Ursula Mayr:

    Ich war dort mit H. Dr. Wolfgang Schulz, dem Gründer der Studiobühne und Oberboss der Würzburger ML – Gruppe.Bei Würzburgwiki zu googeln.

  5. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Würzburger ML ?


  6. Ursula Mayr:

    Yepp! Die schärfsten Hunde unter den K – Gruppen.

  7. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Vollschuss inklusive 😉

    Mein Erzfeinde waren neden den Depperten RCDS die MG / Marxistische Gruppe.

    Ich damals: linker Juso.

    Keine Geheimnisse mehr auf dem Blog: sex, sounds, and politics🤣

    Hast du Hanne gesehen kürlich, if you see her, say hello, i‘m coming from that Dylan song:)

  8. Susanne L:

    Was für eine wunderbare Geschichte!

    Und the Plateaux Of Mirror begleitet Bernd und mich seit Jahrzehnten.

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