
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2022 5 Sep.

Eivind in Dortmund

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 9 Comments


Eivind Aarsets kleine Herbsttour endet am 30. Oktober im Domicil in Dortmund. Ich sah dieses Quartett vor einem Jahr in Kristiansand, es ist atemraubend. Da schwelge ich, bei diesen Melangen aus Jazz, Impro, Rock, Ambient, Ethno, nicht in Erinnerungen an goldene fusion-Zeiten, sondern in reiner Gegenwart. Diese Band ist komplett mitreissend, ein flow ohnegleichen. Wer also Lust hat und kommen mag, kann Ingo J. Biermann, den Autor der ECM 50-Filmreihe (work in progress), und mich dort unter den Zuhörern und an der Bar erleben. Ich werde vom 29. bis 31. Oktober in der alten Heimat sein.


This entry was posted on Montag, 5. September 2022 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Henning Bolte:

    gut, dass es das gab (schwer zu übertreffen)

    “The closing part of the second evening was allocated to guitarist Eivind Aarset and bass guitarist Audun Erlien with the two drummer giants Wetle Holte and Erland Dahlen, completed by a live remix from the hands of Helge Sten.

    They accomplished an apotheosis of rare quality that will reverberate for a long time to come. It became an outstanding example of gradually expanding guitar turbulences, guitar violence, soaring guitar flags, captivating time signatures and deep grooves. All that heart and mind, body and soul desires appeared greatly timed in gripping shapes, accumulated engrossingly, leading to higher heights and widening sights. Experiencing Aarset with this rhythm unit was nothing less than a bold dream. Aarset’s wild calmness integrated his many sonic sides here in full grandeur. Strumming his guitar, letting it wildly howl and screech heavily or regulate sonic spheres alternated in sophisticated way and powerful way. We could also see him playing a good amount of ’straight‘ electric guitar. By focusing on the music’s strong inner forces and shimmering colors, by allowing them to emerge and be released in spiraling, undulating movements swaying back and forth, the four musicians as a deeply united single musical body accomplished a lifting of the roof and let the building hover towards the nearby sea of the Skagerrak.

    It was however no triumphant ascension. The music was heavily drenched in phantasmagorical oddities, estranging distortions and steps out of ordinary time, which fits into the Electronique Noire approach Aarset developed in the late 90s. His latest album Phantasmagoria, or A Different Kind of Journey (Jazzland) is a great leap from that point of departure. However, the power of this Punkt live performance by far exceeded that of the recorded version.

    Considering the confrontation of our assumed everyday reality with its shifting suspension during the lasting pandemic and climate crisis, inflections of it might have found their way into the creation and performance of Aarset’s music. It busted out powerful forces from those discrepancies, remained in motion, didn’t run dead and didn’t take recourse to clichéd gestures. It was then Helge Sten’s task to create a fitting finish to the ascending line and apotheosis of the night. Sten sat crouching behind his little machine box with plugs and knobs, almost in complete darkness, fine-tuning an electronically condensed stream of the just having faded away and foregone music of Aarset, Erlien, Holtle and Dahlen. By meticulous precision work, he concentrated and patiently shaped this elegantly curving and varying stream full of beauty and continuing tension, until it disappeared in the dark slate ground of that typical sound of Helge Sten. It was again a counterpoint of its very own type, both auditory and visually, and a masterful live remix. A great evening from the same strong mold, and all through excellent sound steered and engineered by the great Sven Persson.”

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    They now launch the new Punkt label.
    Some treasures to be found over so many years, Henning. 😉

    In times i could buy concerts for broadcast, a concert like the one from Eivind Aarset‘s 4tet 2021, would be a number one deal. It is in fact unforgettable and should be released some day.

  3. ijb:

    Die übrigen Oktober-Tourdaten:

    17th Köln
    19th Odense
    20th Malmø
    22nd Lanzarote
    25th Zürich
    26th Dresden
    28th Bielefeld
    29th Bayreuth
    30th Dortmund

  4. Olaf Westfeld:

    Ich würde mitkommen, bin leider am 30. schon verplant. Die Herren Bang und Aarset spielen im Februar auch mit mir unbekannten japanischen Musiker/innen in Berlin, hab noch nicht geschaut, ob das bei mir reinpasst, jedenfalls interessant:

  5. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Ah! Lanzarote.
    I will have look for good flights😉
    My island (aside from LANGEOOG)

  6. ijb:

    Olaf, wenn du im Februar in Berlin bist, bitte melden!
    Ich werde bestimmt zu dem Abend im Pierre-Boulez-Saal gehen. Es ist mittlerweile der beste Ort für Musik dieser Art, speziell für leise Töne; ich habe dort schon einige Konzerte mit ECM-affinen Leuten besucht. Im Dezember sah/hörte ich dort Charles Lloyd mit dem Frisell/Morgan-Trio, die spielten lange, sehr ruhige Stücke, und obwohl ich weit hinten saß, war der Klang hervorragend.

    Im Frühjahr waren auch Jakob Bro und Midori Takada dort. Und beim JazzFest 2021 Bobo Stensons Trio, Vijay Iyers Trio und Susanna Santos Silva & Kaja Draksler. Im April kommt auch William Parker.

  7. Olaf Westfeld:

    Gerede nachgeschaut, passt leider nicht rein, an dem Wochenende muss ich arbeiten und der Termin ist wohl nicht zu verschieben…

  8. ijb:

    Du hast die Herren Bang und Aarset schon gefragt, ob der Termin zu verschieben ist…?

  9. Olaf Westfeld:

    ;-) mein Termin ist leider kaum zu verschieben, bzw. würde das viel Aufwand bedeuten, nicht nur für mich…

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