This was one of my first ECM records, and for many it may seem a curiosity, being the only one in Jarrett‘s long story with the German label, where he is touching electric keyboards. It was recorded at the end of his time with Miles as a „keyboard wizard“, it has the looseness of an „after hours“-session with African moods and a quite exotic flair, a million miles away from American songbooks. Jack De Johnette‘s melodic feel on drums and percussion makes up for a perfect couple of like-minded spirits. For reasons I cannot explain really, I will love this album forever. It is uncomparable with any other album they did together. There are records you have had a story with, you offer them a good place in the back of your mind without ever revisiting them. This is one of those I return to since my teenager days. Though it got a new cover design at some point in time, I was always happy with the surreal naivety of the original cover. Let‘s speak about music sending you places …