
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2021 13 Nov.

Meine fünf Lieblingsalben 2021 (Platz 4)

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags: , , | Comments off



„For Nik Bärtsch’s Entendre, recorded in the spacious surroundings of the Auditorio Stelio Molo, Lugano, Bärtsch sits alone with a Steinway grand, laying bare the wireframes and stratifications of his polymetric ‘ritual groove music’ (described more as templates, rather than prescribed compositions). At face value, it’s difficult to imagine how the complexity and fullness of the Ronin sound world can be presented this way; might it be just a pale reflection? As these absorbing fifty minutes or so prove, honed after Bärtsch’s 2017 solo piano tour experiences in Teheran, Cairo, Alexandria, Kolkata and Delhi, certainly not.“

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