
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2021 27 Jan.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Climate Change

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 1 Comment


Just been a listener of this „webinar“ with Brian Eno leading the discussion. Organized by Client Earth. It was interesting, inspiring, a bit creepy and humourous in equal measure – done with a smart  way of  making highly complex interactions (machine/humans/nature) appear not too complex – or overpowering (at least for AI😉.) No doubt, Brian, as a music man, had the best sound of the trio (the best microphone?). Well, what to make about this all? Being quietly optimistic may be a good attitude instead of being too euphoric or desparate (not so many alternatives). Have to look for a kind of podcast of this one-hour-webinar that makes you really think „outside the box“.


The 2020’s is a revolutionary decade. Most likely, cleantech will drive out fossil fuels, biotech will re-engineer the food system, governments will act to save the environment and China will dominate Eurasia. All the while AI will spread across the economy and climate change will loom over us.

What happens when AI joins the battle against climate change? In this special one hour seminar Danny Hillis and Howard Covington will explore the themes that will determine how the decade unfolds.

This entry was posted on Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2021 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 Comment

  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Two thirds of the trio:

    Danny Hillis is an inventor, entrepreneur, scientist, writer, and visionary. He is best known as the founder of Thinking Machines, and is currently co-founder of Applied Invention, an interdisciplinary group of engineers, scientists and artists that develops technology solutions in partnership with leading companies and entrepreneurs.

    Danny is also Visiting Professor at the MIT Media Lab, Judge Widney Professor of Engineering and Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC), and co-chair of The Long Now Foundation.He holds hundreds of patents in many fields including parallel computers, touch interfaces, disk arrays, forgery prevention methods, electronic and mechanical devices, and bio-medical techniques. He is also the designer of a 10,000-year mechanical clock.

    Howard Covington has served on the ClientEarth Board since 2014 and became Chair in December 2018. He is also the Chair of ClientEarth’s Development Board. He has a wealth of experience in the worlds of business and philanthropy and combines this with a passion for science and a deep understanding of climate change, a topic he has written on for the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Nature GeoScience and Nature.

    Howard was formerly an investment banker and a founding shareholder and chief executive of New Star Asset Management. He has been the Chair of the Management Committee of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences and a Trustee of the Science Museum. He is also the founding Chair of The Alan Turing Institute.

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