
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2020 1 Mai

Preferably in slow motion

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

Who would like to work on a film with ambient musical explorers Roger and Brian Eno? Lockdown may just give you that chance. The pair are looking for video material to accompany music from their recent, 15-years-in-the-making, first album as a duo, Mixing Colours (on the prestigious Deutsche Grammophon label). Fans are invited to submit three-to-five minute videos, preferably in slow-motion, “of their post-lockdown world” to the website As they put it, “We want to ask people in the next few weeks to take a single shot of a quiet scene, at home, or out the window, or in their garden. Clouds passing, rustling tree leaves, a bird nesting, people conducting activities in the house: quiet moments that we are all enjoying, together, in isolation.” The pick of these short films will be used to accompany the duo’s contemplative music.

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