
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2019 4 Dez.

Endlich synchronisiert: „Detectorists“ auf Arte

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags:  | 1 Comment



„With its wistful tone, subtle, folky score and confidence in letting dialogue and sentiments breathe, it’s a show that does not feel the need to shout about its strengths. In fact, the series is not even really about metal-detecting. The hobby could be replaced by trainspotting, bird-watching or just spending too much time in the shed. It’s what these characters are running from, as much as what they are looking for, that lies at its heart.“ (David Renshaw, The Guardian).


Wer hätte schon gedacht, dass das amerikanische Folk-Duo Simon & Garfunkel zum coolsten „running gag“ der jüngeren BBC4-Historie mutieren, und im Norden Suffolks auf Schatzsuche gehen würde!? Und dass in der zweiten Staffel die botswanische Black Metal-Combo „Black Crust“ den heimischen Gefilden einen bizarren afrikanischen Horizont öffnen würde, ohne dass von ihnen nur ein einziger Brachialsound erklingt. In einer Zeit, als Ray Davies mitten im „love & peace“-Rummel zwischen Carnaby Street und Marquee Club die Spuren eines alten, immer mehr verschwindenden Britanniens nachzeichnete, hätte er auch hier in der Provinz fündig werden können, bei diesen im Scheitern erprobten „Metalldetektoristen“. In einer Szene findet Lance tatsächlich ein altes Teil unter der Erde, mit römischer Inschrift: „Status Quo“. Leider nur die Devotionale eines anonymen Rockers.


This entry was posted on Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2019 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 Comment

  1. Paul Webb:

    Hi Michael

    I have seen Detectorists, that was very funny.

    My wife is a amateur bee keeper and when she goes to her Bee keeper meetings there not unlike the ones in The Detectorist. Even though its shot in Suffolk it is mean’t I believe to be set in Essex, which is where we live .

    There was a BBC 1 series called Killing Eve that I enjoyed recently. Its about a female contract killer. I don’t usually like this kind of thing but the characters were so engaging and twisted that I really enjoyed it.

    Sorry I did not remember any of this in the interview. I’m still getting use to talking about myself again after all these years.


    (From an email by Mr. Rustin Man – reason enough to remix my little old praise for DETECTORISTS. And, yes, he’s s right, KILLING EVE is a gas, too!)

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