
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2019 26 Okt.

„Systems of Devotion“

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

In essence, The Necks make a humbling, transcendent racket, organic and living, but intense and machine-like at the same time. To say that the Necks are a jazz outfit that rocks approaches the point, but fails to nail it. These three players operate on the cusp of genre, a space that could be easily over-intellectualised. Is it ambient jazz systems music? Free improv modern classical? But the emotional wallop of their output puts paid to all that over-thinking. Key to it all is that the Necks play spontaneously, improvising every night. Going to see them requires a suspension of disbelief, a parking of the salutary cynicism that gets most of us through our days. The experience is enhanced by listening hard to the microscopic evolutions in everyone’s playing: mindfulness for noiseniks, perhaps. Or you can just zone out: the Necks can get very psychedelic, drawing on eastern forms, drones and devotional music.“

(Kitty Empire, The Guardian)

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