
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2019 28 Sep.

Good luck for the Reunion

von: Lajla Nizinski Filed under: Blog | TB | 2 Comments

If you sell yourself tales / If the details drift with time / Where the point gets lost on the telling / And where the telling was the point all the while / Oh deep inside / Everyone hides / Oh oh, some of the time …

(Jeff Tweedy )


„There is no beginning in my writings, there is only the truth. The texts wish to be written like this. I tried to workout the alien, that’s why I travel to so many non-European countries, just to seek redemption. Like the little girl in the museum, who convulsed her face in front of a Francis Bacon painting, in order to anticipate the strange.

(Hans Jürgen Heinrichs)


The following story has no beginning and no end as well, but it is true. I wanted to surprise my GlasgowMan. He said: „Love a lady with surprises.“ I knew from the Sunday Times, that she would be something, that will stay with you for the rest of your life … When she appeared on stage, she started telling stories from the beginning of  the Jazz Age, from the Era of gangsters, heroes, sex scandals, villains and Charly Chaplin and Bessie Smith. Her name, you should remember, is Christine Bovill, she comes from Glasgow. Bovill definitely brings you back into the Roaring Twenties with her smoky, evocative voice. (Christine Bovill: „Tonight you belong to me“) My GlasgowMan said: „We are a perfect team. I go to hell (Sachsenhausen) and you go to paradise (Oranieburg-Eden).


At times I think there are no words / But these to tell what’s true / And there are no truths outside the Gates of Eden …

(Bob Dylan)


In 1893 eighteen men from Berlin went to Oranienburg to found the colony EDEN. They adopted principals like „vegetarians, alternative gardening, communal ownership of land“. The fruit colony expanded over the years. (In 2019 people start growing their own vegetables too, look at Tempelhof field). An old man guided me through Eden. He pointed out a house, where a little orphan was raised from a professor of music, a dear friend of Richard Wagner. His foster daughter became the wife of Siegfried, Wagners son. We know, that Winifred was a close friend of Hitler. She helped him to write Mein Kampf.



Hitler died, Potsdam was completely distroyed, but not the Glieniecker Bridge. The bridge was detonated by the Germans, in order to cut the road between Berlin and Potsdam. Some Russian pioneers built a kind of Pontonbridge. 1945 took the Potsdam conference place with the three big: Truman, Churchill and Stalin. They met not far from the bridge in Cecilienhof. Close to the Glieniecker Bridge there are several pillars with the story of GDR citizens, who not succeeded in escaping. They were shot to death nearby. When an obviously former GDR woman approached, she urged me to tell the GlasgowMan that not everything was bad in the GDR and that it was totally alright, that they had been shot. I was quite frustrated after that event. How can one still think like this after 30 years reunion?What about a short time anthem, just for the celebration of 30 years on this Magical Mystery Tour after the Fall of the Berlin Wall?


„I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together see how they run like pigs from the gun see how they fly I’m crying …“ 

(The Beatles)


In a true story always something comforting, cheerful, something encouraging should be said. Something „without worries“. We relaxed in Sanssouci. There in the Parc of the Orangerie  stands a huge archer, a stunning beautiful sculpture, created by Ernst-Moritz Geyger (1861-1941). The art how he draws the bow into the wide open space is magical. Imagine an arrow with no aim.

This entry was posted on Samstag, 28. September 2019 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Now this is quite a reading adventure … requires lateral thinking … und gutes altes Breitwandpanoramagespür 😉

  2. Brian Whistler:

    Thanks for this poetic think piece.

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