
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2019 12 Sep.

To all Manafonistas!

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 1 Comment


Recently I exchanged emails with Steve Tibbetts that were, at one point, related to musical revelations once upon a time made at Christmas, or around Christmas time. At young age, meaning when we were fucking greenhorns, 14, 15, 16, 17, and our musical tastes got their primal key experiences. I would like to receive from every Mana who has something to deliver on this topic, a short text (not more than ten lines in our blog at the end), that will be magically designed by Joey, and, in single cases, translated by me into my good old Oxford English.

Our stories will be the icing on the Christmas cake, and it will all be followed by a story told by Steve Tibbetts about one of his musical epiphanies around Christmas time. So write your short short stories to my email address, I think you have some time left to think it over.

Of course, there will be a bit more from the guitar maestro from Minneapolis, f.e. his take on the fabulous, well, amazing, AMAZING GRACE documentary on Aretha Franklin, made by Joe Boyd. Out now on DVD and BLURAY. We all know, consciously or not, some of Joe Boyd‘s musical productions, and some have been reading his wonderful memoir „White Bicycles“. Deadline: November 15.



At Joe Boyd‘s flat in London, the Tibbetts family perusing a menu for Indian take-out with Mr. Boyd


This entry was posted on Donnerstag, 12. September 2019 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 Comment

  1. MHQ:

    Joe Boyd war als Entdecker und Produzent von Fairport Convention, The Incredible String Band, John Martyn, Nick Drake u.v.a. sowie als Gründer des Londoner UFO Clubs, wo Pink Floyd und Soft Machine ihre Karrieren starteten, der Anreger der psychedelischen Folk-Rock-Szene.

    Bereits als Jugendlicher hatte Boyd dem vergessenen Bluessänger Lonnie Johnson zu einem Comeback verholfen, tourte schon bald darauf mit Blues- und Jazz-Galas und und war 1965 als Stage-Manager beim Newport-Festival Zeuge von Bob Dylans Übertritt zur E-Gitarre. „White Bicycles“ ist ein blitzgescheites Musikbuch über eine Ära, von der die Popmusik zehrt.

    Es ist aber auch die Geschichte eines Mannes, der immer mit dem richtigen Job zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort war – außer vielleicht gegen Ende seiner Produzentenkarriere, als Boyd nur kurzzeitig eine schwedische Folkband betreute, die wenig später unter dem Namen ABBA in die Pop-Charts durchstarten sollte.

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