
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2019 29 Apr.

A Poem of Joe Dunthorne

von: Lajla Nizinski Filed under: Blog | TB | 3 Comments


Afternoon meditation at the ecovillage


The focaliser’s eyes pace back and forth

behind their lids. He inhabits his mind.

My stairwell’s blocked with half-unpacked boxes.

One is labelled my version of events and rattles

when I shake it. I hear his throat creak

as the fifth dimension swings open.


What’s he doing up there? How long

since he took the batteries out of the wall clock?

There’s a knock at the tangible door.

Pottery’s got the room from six.

Lucky for me I never found the inner attic.

Our diesel Om evokes a refuse freighter


pushing clear of the dock and – like that –

I’m among the gulls following its hump of landfill.

I realise I am inside myself, circling my innards.

One of the gulls says: „Joe, our time is up.“

How true. My mind is alternately half empty,

half full at the sheer waste/dinner of it all.


This entry was posted on Montag, 29. April 2019 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Martina Weber:

    Amazing poem!

  2. Lajla:

    I discovered his collection of poetry ‚O Positive‘ in Blackwell’s Bookshop.Find it outstanding.

  3. Martina Weber:

    I already ordered it :)

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