
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2019 1 Feb.

Listening to Aaron Parks in the dark

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags:  | 3 Comments



Yes, Herr Klinger, it’s a burner. Though Little Big is not inspired by the famous fantasy novel Brian W. told us about, this album is quite a fantastic affair, full of contrasts and real surprises. Mr. Whistler (on the now legendary blog of The Manafonistas), and Will Layman on Popmatters, revealed some of its mysteries. Not being a rip-off from any jazz-rock-fusion of the golden era in any way, it contains the same adventurous spirit of some of the classics from that era. And, yes, the production values – Will Layman writes: „Another outstanding quality of the recording is its excellence as a recording and as a production. Not only are the sounds themselves sumptuous – the richness rather than any tinniness or squawking from the synthesizer, the delicious, sedimental way that Parks layers piano and electric piano, the three-dimensional feeling of the drum parts with kick and snare and cymbals all seeming to come at your ears from the warm center of the tracks – but the recording is produced to avoid the cliches of a guitar/keys-trio record.“ And, to close this with some food for thought: the best way of being nostalgic is inventiveness.


This entry was posted on Freitag, 1. Februar 2019 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Hans-Dieter Klinger:

    What a pity that Brian introduced this album rather late on 23rd of December – two months too late …

    I would have visited the performance of the Aaron Parks Quartet at „Unterfahrt“ Munich on 3rd of November.

    My son lives just a few steps away from „Unterfahrt“, therefore it doesn’t matter that my residence is more than 300 km away from Jazz Club „Unterfahrt“.

    I’m full of hope listening to Aaron Parks and his musicians some day because Parks doesn’t rarely play at this fine club.


  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Es macht oft Sinn, Bilder zu vergrössern.
    Mach das mal mit diesem Bild.
    Ein guter Raum für diese Musik.

  3. Rosato:

    ich mach das licht aus
    und die ohren an
    little big

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