
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2018 29 Dez.

„a memory playlist of a long night on air“

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 4 Comments



(1) – selection of some exquisite albums of 2018 (a) – Aidan Moffat & RM Hubbert / Sons of Kemet / Jon Hassell / Steve Tibbetts / Nils Frahm / Jon Hopkins / Irmin Schmidt / Marianne Faithfull / Brian Eno

(2) – selection of some exquisite albums of 2018 (b) – Geir Sundstol / Elena Duni / Jakob Bro (Returnings) / Jeff Tweedy / Arve Henriksen / Darren Heyman / Julia Holter / Low / Jana Winderen

(3) – close-up: The National Jazz Trio of Scotland: Vol. iv / The National  Jazz Trio of Scotland‘s Christmas Album / The National Jazz Trio of Scotland: Standards Vol. ii & iii / Bill Wells & Aidan Moffat: The Most Important Place In The World / Aby Vulliamy:  Spin Cycle / The Sensory Illusions: dito

(4) time travels (a) – Laurie Spiegel‘s „The Expanded Universe“ (2019 edition), surrounded by John Fahey, The Beatles, Kim Kashkashian‘s take on Bach, and, finally, Brian Eno‘s favourite song by Loma („Black Willow“) that is strangely related to Laura Spiegel‘s days of youth at the Mississippi River („old mountain families played timeless modal Celtic tunes while the full moon went behind our earth’s shadow in a magical total eclipse“)

(5) time travels (b) – a decent journey through joyful landscapes, Jamaican And West Coast sundowners and more,  with Cedric Im Brooks and an MPS classic of keyboard wizard George Duke („Faces In Reflection“)


special recommendations: Jeff Tweedy: Let‘s Go (So We Can Get Back) – a Memoir on Recording and Discording with Wilco etc.* / Michael Pollan: „Verändere dein Bewusstsein – Was uns die neue Psychedelik-Forschung über Sucht, Depression, Todesfurcht und Transzendenz lehrt“** (Kunstmann Verlag, 9.2.2019) /  Detectorists – season 1, 2 & 3 


* / ** actually it is about much more than that!

This entry was posted on Samstag, 29. Dezember 2018 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Die nächsten Klanghorizonte im Deutschlandfunk gibt es in der Nacht zum 16. Februar:

    Neuland: Joe Lovano, Rustin Man, Eleni Karaindrou u.a. / Nahaufnahme: Experimentierstuben der „Library Music“ / Zeitreise: Jack DeJohnette, Lester Bowie, John Abercrombie u.a. (ich hatte eine wunderbare alte Schallplatte von Jack DeJohnette „ausgegraben“, da erfuhr ich von dieser umgangreichen „Schatzkiste“: The Art Ensemble of Chicago and Associated Ensembles (limited box set, 21 Cds) – dort taucht die LP als CD auf.

    Roland Spiegel (BR) bemerkt zu der Edition: „Musik, die weite Kreise gezogen hat: Das merkt man an dieser Auswahl.  […] Sie schufen etwas ganz Eigenes und gaben dem Jazz eine Sinnlichkeit und Ursprünglichkeit wieder, die dieser – zumindest in seinen avantgardistisch-experimentellen Formen – zuvor verloren hatte. Nicht umsonst schrieb 1980 ein Autor der Zeitschrift ‚La Tribune‘ über das Erleben dieser Band: ‚Es ist egal, ob man irgendetwas von Jazz versteht; dies ist eine durch und durch menschliche Erfahrung.‘  Töne, die der Welt etwas mitzuteilen haben – und nicht nur den Spezialisten. Gerade das ist ein Grund, wieder einmal tief einzutauchen in einen ebenso eigenen wie weit offenen Klang-Kosmos.“

  2. MHQ:

    In 1977, American astronomer Carl Sagan selected the composer Laurie Spiegel’s computerized realization of Johannes Kepler’s 1619 treatise „Harmony of the Worlds“ for inclusion aboard the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft’s „Golden Record“. Kepler’s „Harmony of the Worlds“ was the lead cut on a collection that held recordings of natural sounds, greetings in 55 languages, selections from Beethoven, Mozart, Blind Willie Johnson, and Chuck Berry, for the sake of demonstrating to other life forms in the galaxy that there is intelligent life on our planet.

  3. Brian Whistler:

    Rosato sent me the MP3s of this show and I’m really enjoying the variety. So many things I don’t know about, a treasure trove of discoveries.

  4. Glen Hastings:

    I stumbled across this artist only recently and took a gamble on the blue vinyl after hearing just one track. As a fan of the old ‚Northern Exposure compilations from the late 90’s, I found myself playing all four sides of this album back-to-back several times on the day of release. Jon Hopkins fuses complex electronic soundscapes with gorgeous melodies and this album flows beautifully.

    Special praise should also be heaped on Domino Records of Hot Chip fame as this is one of the best modern sounding records I’ve heard in recent years. Superb sonics and deep bass on this midnight blue pressing with virtually no background noise whilst the inner sleeves have extra padding which is a lovely touch. Grab this blue edition whilst you can and it will dominate your turntable.

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