
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2018 7 Dez

„Right Here – The Go-Betweens“

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 4 Comments



Some might find moody shots of Forster walking across an empty field or staring at a bonfire cliched or even trite. But they are people who hold more value in technique than soul. And the Go-Betweens have always been about soul, not technique. As Lindy Morrison says, “We didn’t look the part, we didn’t sound the part, we were too intelligent.”

Stenders has made an emotional, rolling thunder of a film, one this extraordinary band deserves. Those for whom the Go-Betweens are part of the architecture of their lives will love it. For casual watchers, it might introduce them to something special.

(Padrâig Collins, The Guardian)

This entry was posted on Freitag, 7. Dezember 2018 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht: / robert-forsters-the-evangelist-ein-interview-von-2008 …

  2. Lajla:

    Robert Forster gibt 2019 19! Konzerte. Ein Besuch ist sehr empfehlenswert, weil es ihm gelingt, eine tolle Konzertatmosphäre herzustellen. Ich überlege Bonn oder Münster.

  3. Michael Engelbrecht:

    28th April 2019: Stockholm, Nalen Klubb.
    29th April 2019: Copenhagen, Vega.
    30th April 2019: Berlin, Festival Kreuzberg.
    1st May 2019: Hamburg, Knust.
    3rd May 2019: Münster, Gleiss 22.
    5th May 2019: Bonn, Harmonie.
    7th May 2019: Frankfurt, Zoom.
    8th May 2019: Schorndorf, Manufactur. ]
    9th May 2019: München, Feierwerk.
    10th May 2019: Wien, Theatre Akzent.
    11th May 2019: Linz, Posthof.
    14th May 2019: London, Union Chapel.
    15th May 2019: Bristol, Fleece.
    16th May 2019: Manchester, Band On The Wall.
    17th May 2019: Glasgow, King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut.
    19th May 2019: Dublin, Button Factory.
    20th May 2019: Cork, Cyprus Avenue.

  4. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Where is Ian, btw?

    At least, he would have a chance to see RF in Glasgow😉

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