
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2018 30 Aug.

33 parade 2022 (no. 27): Kreidler

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

Are there pioneers of the post-Krautrock era? If so, Kreidler should be placed first row! Once I had the band  in a live broadcast, and we talked about the salad days of Kraut (a children‘s memory for them), we talked about „die alte Bundesrepublik“. After all, Kreidler named themselves after the historic moped. „Spells and Daubs“ is incredibly fresh music (an audiophile delight by the way, from bureau b), more than a touch hand-made. There are definitely pinches of Cluster and Harmonia, but so cheerful, so relaxed and probably shaken out of the electronic sleeves unconsciously. Random parallels and echoes, a myriad of inspirations. Wondrous drumming too, sometimes reaching our for another neon-lit horizon from the 80‘s. As Boomkat writes: „Now approaching their 30th year in business, Kreidler elegantly keep moving forwards/backwards with a taut but supple tribute to their mutual influences from British pop music. In 10 tunes, reduced from more abundant early sessions, they beautifully home in on the rhythmelodic impetus that was morphed in translation from US soul into english synth-pop circa the early ‘80s; juicing its essence into sleek instrumental forms that have been polished to a tip-of-tongue shimmer by Peter Walsh, who was hand-picked by the band for his paradigm-setting mixing desk credentials, perhaps most notably on Heaven 17’s new wave/synth-pop ultra classique ‘Penthouse and Pavement’.“ 

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