
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2018 29 Aug.

The poet behind Arve Henriksen‘s „The Height of the Reeds“

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 1 Comment


Hi Michael, now I know which project you are talking about, I just didn’t know that it had come out on record yet, but I got the record in the post yesterday, and the poem in question is the third of these four. 

it derives from a big project in Hull, England, where the poem were to have a bigger role, one poem was to have been mounted on Humber Bridge and another one on a big lawn (…) The record is amongst other things based on the four poems (…) 

All the best 

Nils Chr. Moe Repstad 



The Height of the Reeds – excerpts taken from Nils Christian Moe-Repstad’s book: Wunderkammer (bridge)


(1) I could have said that I grow together with an English oak and tried to do the same with the sea, but nature has a slow determination of distance: the peripheral oceans, the peripheral nerves, like reefs and roots

(2) The swans bend their necks backward to see God, they know the magnetism of the blue space, but the prayers say God in Heaven: in the black space only black swans see Him, pulled between stars, asteroids, meteors and satellites.

(3) Search for places you know, because there is nothing beyond, only a bare tree along the road and a face other than your own, but that is how you begin to die how you begin to live, among the dead the tree is a face that blossoms.  (lawn)

(4) You and I are not all that we can be, who shall measure the height of the reeds in the wetlands, during which cycle do they burn, it is time for the insignificant theses: are we irreplaceable or waders.


This entry was posted on Mittwoch, 29. August 2018 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 Comment

  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    The title tracks are from Nil-Chr. Moe Repstad, too. One of his poems is printed on the final version of the cd.

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