
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2018 3 Aug.

Short Q&A from the MHQ

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 8 Comments

What has been your last great jazz concert?


In fact that has been yesterday, in Torino, so to speak. I have been listening to Part 1 of Keith Jarrett‘s performance from 1998, about 43 minutes long. And I‘ve been obsessed with these 43 minutes during the last weeks. Nothing against the other performances, but this one grabbed me mysteriously, and I love every second of it. A Multitude of Angels is a gas, the whole box.


What record are you really waiting for at the moment?


Well, I think the best record of 2018 will be from 1968. I really hope they put out the surround version of the Beatles‘ so-called White Album. I recently listened to the excellent mono-remastering on vinyl, gosh, unbelievable. The pieces float into one another, and the way they do it, or George Martin did, thrills me since I listened to the album nearly every day in my first winter in Würzburg. My room mate had a cheap cassette player, and we were real White Album addicts.


You sound a bit retro-minded!


Boy, I wouldn‘t be so sure if the word retro-minded is in official use, haha, but, yes, I‘m so fucking retro-minded that I should get a professional look at my mental state. Another example: in two weeks from now, I will play, in my night show, two bands I always thought I should stay away from as far as possible, Tangerine Dream and Yes. In my mental map they have been equally pretentious and boring as, say, Coldplay or U2 or Simple  Minds, and now a change of my own simple mind, haha …


More symptoms you want to speak about?


Well, I tell you something quite embarrassing. Recently I ordered music by Deodato that has been reissued in a quadrophonic version, and lots of people got crazy about it. I do really have pale memories about Deodato, he had one or two hits, a grandioso version of „Also Sprach Zarathustra“, and I think he very much went for showmanship anf big gestures, but I fucking like to lose myself inside that sound. One more time. The last time I have heared it, hundred years ago, I must have been in love with a daughter of a priest and been listening to Genesis‘ „Foxtrot“. Deodato, come on – possibly purely regressive behaviour. Hopefully my blinking red lights for a loss of judgement abilities all go wrong. But I‘m not totally lost – the Jarrett magic from 1998 still sends me places.


Is there some deeper reason for all this moving back in time?


You mean, if I can talk some sense into it?! I can. And it‘s sad enough.

This entry was posted on Freitag, 3. August 2018 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Anonym:

    Die Coltrane-Blue Train im Stapel ist ein Hi-Rez-flac auf Vinyl gepresst. Es gibt bessere (absolut analoge) Versionen.

    Gruß aus HH

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Ha, du hast einen Blick für Dinge im Dunkeln:)

    Das war ein Zufallsfoto. Diese Phase von Coltrane hat mich nie sonderlich interessiert.

  3. Anonym:

    Na ja, bis auf besagte Coltrane, White Album & Immersion kann ich ansonsten nichts erkennen.

  4. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Links hinten GROSSES WASSER von Cluster, daneben die erste Zusammenarbeit von Eno & Hyde.

    Ein Schmankerl zwischendrin: THE PRISONER, THE COMPLETE SERIES starring Patrick McGoohan – wenn wir hier schon bei retro sind:)

  5. Anonym:

    …und natürlich „ON LAND“ über dem High End Equipment.

    Das Retro-Schmankerl ist neben AVENGERS die beste britische Serie (zumindest der Sechziger).

  6. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Yes, sir!

    Examining Emma’s homemade giraffe, Steed remarks, „Known you all this time and never knew that you could sew.“ Emma: „Well, our relationship hasn’t been exactly domestic, has it?

    (From: Escape in Time)

  7. Michael Engelbrecht:

    What you don‘t see, Norbert, but turned into a real (vinyl) love of mine, is Donovan‘s Wear Your Love Like Heaven (the Speaker‘s Corner reissue is great). And Emma Peel surely listened to it, it‘s from 1967.

  8. Michael Engelbrecht:

    It is, as collector‘s item, sooo expensive, so anybody out there who can send me this vinyl classic for two months time and the October Klanghorizonte?!

    Going Home by The L .A. Four (from 1977)

    Soul jazz at its best. The L. A. Four consisted of guitarist Laurindo Almeida, bassist Ray Brown, drummer Shelly Manne and saxophonist Bud Shank. They made two albums via this East Wind direct cutting process; the other was Pavane For A Dead Princess. They’re both stupendous works of jazz. The sound is impeccable; you’d swear you were in a world-class jazz club listening to this album. The material, the performances, the arrangements are lovely almost beyond description. This is one terrific album with natural sonics, quiet, unobtrusive and totally remarkable in its melodic impact.

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