… der Manafonisten auf Sylt kam es zu einem heiteren Disput über den Philosophen Nietzsche. Dass er als Jugendbuchlektüre was hermacht, und angenehme Strandlektüre sein kann, belegt zumindest die folgende Anmerkung des Singer / Songwriters Mark Kozelek – wir erinnern gerne an eines seiner besten Alben, „Benji“, und freuen uns, dass sich auch ein berüchtigter Boxer Nietzsche in die Birne gehauen hat.
„I’ve been travelling over the last month and I’ve been bouncing back and forth between books during my travels. The first is called Iron Ambition: My Life With Cus D’Amato (Sphere) by Mike Tyson and Larry Sloman. I’m a fan of Cus D’Amato, who also trained world champions Floyd Patterson and José Torres. I’m also reading Nietzsche for the first time, partly because Cus had Mike reading Nietzsche at 15 years old. I’m halfway through Thus Spake Zarathustra (Wordsworth, translated by Thomas Common) and will admit I can’t make head or tail of some of it. I think the book is telling me to believe in myself, to think at a higher-than-average level, and to not get bogged down with petty things. Ideal holiday reading.“ (Mark Kozelek)