
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2018 20 Mai

„Die Autonauten auf der Kosmobahn“

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 2 Comments


„What a wonderful book. Part essay, part travelogue with a smattering of fiction, it’s an indescribable blend of humor, sadness, quirk and love. Author Julio Cortázar cooked up a plan with his second wife Carol Dunlop to drive from Paris to Marseilles in their VW bus nicknamed Fafner, the dragon. The catch is, they stopped at every single rest-stop along the way at the count of two per day, sleeping over night at the second one. This book chronicles their thoughts and notes throughout the journey. It really is a wonderful book, demonstrating how despite such odd circumstances Cortázar and Dunlop found great joy escaping the world, being not utterly isolated but separated from their responsibilities and obligations. Instead, they focused on each other, on reading, writing and observing.

Love, and the joy of their togetherness, was a major theme expressed throughout the story. Physical and emotional love. Their affection is so gentle and so poetic, reading it is near meditative in quality.

In the end, they summarize the journey, as unintentionally a Zen expedition. They set off not knowing what they would find and what they found was the beauty of existence even in the most absurd of situations. Touring rest areas.“

(Peter Katzman)

This entry was posted on Sonntag, 20. Mai 2018 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Martina Weber:

    Eine der vielen von mir in diesem wundervollen Buch angestrichenen Passagen:

    „Meist läuft der Tagesausklang so, daß das Bärchen (…) liest, während ich auf die Vordersitze wechsle, den Kassettenrecorder einschalte, die Kopfhörer anschließe und mir, mit zahlreichen Kassetten bewaffnet, ein Konzert genehmige, das immer wie eine Zusammenfassung meiner selbst ist, das heißt, etwas Heterogenes, Absurdes, Widersprüchliches, Unlogisches, mit anderen Worten, die Musik, wie ich sie zum Entsetzen der ernsthaften Melomanen unter meinen Freunden immer verstanden und geliebt habe.“

  2. Martina Weber:

    This is my review, titled „Im Rhythmus von Kamelen“ …

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