
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2018 26 Apr.

The Third Thrill Mana Factory Prize (2018)

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags: , | 1 Comment


  1. Keigo Higashino: Unter der Mitternachtssonne
  2. Ray Celestin: Höllenjazz in New Orleans
  3. Laura Lippman: Sunburn
  4. Jordan Harper: Die Rache der Polly McClusky
  5. Hannah Tinti: Die zwölf Leben des Samuel Hawley
  6. Iori Fujiwara: Der Sonnenschirm des Terroristen 
  7. Hideo Yokoyama: 64
  8. Lisa Sandlin: Ein Job für Delpha
  9. Harlan Coben: In deinem Namen 
  10. Kathleen Kent: The Dime 
  11. Jean  Echenoz: Unsere Frau in Pjöngjang
  12. Pauline Rhinehart: The Jukebox of St. Augustin 



„Keigo Higashino’s Journey Under the Midnight Sun is a subversive treasure. One reviewer dubbed him the Japanese Stieg Larsson, and he definitely deserves to be ranked with the titans of the crime genre. And even more so: if David Foster Wallace had written a thriller, it would probably read something like a novel by Keigo Higashino. Compulsion, games, systems within systems, cultural bewitchment, politics: these two writers would have had a lot to discuss.“


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