
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2018 10 Apr.

Those were the days, now they come back, now they will haunt you …

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off



„It was renamed, I believe it used to be under the name Bley-Peacock Synthesiser Show in which she was sponsored by Moog who gave her a synthesiser to tour around with and get people interested in the product. What she created was something extremely strange and not commercial at all! I kind of feel like her and Laurie Anderson, although very different, I love them for similar reasons. I think Annette Peacock is one of the most brilliant lyricists of our time which is what initially drove me to her music. As a vocalist and as a composer she’s really amazing, but as a vocalist as well I really like her experimentations with the Moog and electronics. It’s very difficult to do and she’s expressive and it sounds human, robotic but super-human robotic, you know?“

– Patrick Clarke (Circuit des Yeux)

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