
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2017 23 Dez.


von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off



I will never forget the books that floored me down, kept me in deep trance, made me, in this case, time traveling to old München in the 70‘s. Oh, I have been there in old Schwabing days, seeing American movies, Nashville for example, or forgotten German films with a special amount of weirdness, Die Hamburger Krankheit for example. I had been in Erding and Pasing, visiting the old ECM and jazz store at Gleichmannstraße 10. And I talked with Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, by chance, on a rainy summer day. Days gone by. And I had been following writer Almund Grau on his strange trip through loss, psychotherapy and London, yes, Eastend! And it all comes back in circles when reading one of my greatest German novels of that decade. Surrender! Ernst Augustin is a master.


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