
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2017 17 Nov.

Gregor öffnet seinen Plattenschrank (149)

von: Gregor Mundt Filed under: Blog | TB | 7 Comments

Neulich erwähnte ich in einem Kommentar zu einem Beitrag, dass in der Hörnumer Jukebox zehn Platten von Robert Wyatt zu finden seien. Seither möchte der eine oder die andere freilich wissen, um welche Platten es sich handeln könnte. Gerne möchte ich diese Fragen beantworten, hat sich hier doch ein Phänomen eingestellt, das anderenorts nicht selbstverständlich zu scheint: hier, in dieser Kneipe, ein paar Schritte vom Meer, von der rauen Nordsee entfernt, gehören diese Scheiben zu den am meisten gewünschten. The Guardian schrieb schon vor mehr als zehn Jahren:

Just as the best way to judge an adult is by his or her record collection, the best way to judge a pub is by the albums on its jukebox. Or it was, until the 21st-century caught up with the noisy machine in the corner. There are now nearly 2,000 internet-connected jukeboxes in the UK, each of which can access as many as 2m tracks – and with them has come Wyatting, which is either a fearless act of situationist cultural warfare or a nauseatingly snobbish prank, depending on who you ask. The phenomenon was first identified in the New York Times by Wendy McClure. She was in a grimy rock bar when someone pulled up Brian Eno’s Thursday Afternoon, which consists of a single distant piano phrase repeated for more than an hour, and found herself too mesmerised to leave. „Imagine replacing the brass cylinder in a music box with a Möbius strip made from nerve endings“, she wrote. The rest of the bar’s patrons, however, were soon in revolt.


Okay, hier nun die zehn ausgesuchten Robert-Wyatt-Scheiben:


  • Lullaby For Hamza (cuckooland 2003)
  • Maryan (shleep 1997)
  • Alliance (Old Rottenhat 1986)
  • The Age of Self (Old Rottenhat 1986)
  • Sea Song (Rock Bottom 1974)
  • Little Red Riding Hoot Hit The Road (Rock Bottom 1974)
  • The Ghost Within (… for the ghost within´ 2010)
  • Lush Life (… for the ghost within´ 2010)
  • Dondestan (dondestan 1998)
  • Little Child (Daddy Dear) 1972 (Solar Flares Burn For You 2003)



Und jetzt gibt es noch eine Warteliste, dringend werden folgende Songs gewünscht:


  • Strange Fruit (Nothing Can Stop Us 1982)
  • Blues in Bob minor (shleep 1997)
  • Solar Flares (Ruth Is Strager Than Richard 1989)
  • Speechless (Old Rottenhat 1986)
  • P.L.A. (Old Rottenhat 1986)
  • Round Midnigt (… for the ghost within´ 2010)
  • Sight of The Wind (dondestan 1998)
  • Costa – Memories of Under-Development (dondestan 1998)
  • At Last I´m Free (Nothing Can Stop Us 1982)
  • United States of Amnesia (Old Rottenhat 1986)


Ein Glas Weißwein trinken, Robert Wyatt hören, auf das Meer schauen, was will man mehr?

This entry was posted on Freitag, 17. November 2017 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Richard W. Bangs:

    London, 2019.

    It was hot in London at the end of July, I seem always to be there when the City of the River Thamse turns tropical. Robert Wyatt was the second one to enter the studio. Kilburn High Road, back space. In the kitchen room, small, but in good shape, some fresh bread, and his favourite goat cheese.

    Erik Honoré was already there, working on some drum program and exercising on his vocal lines for a duet with Robert, the refrain of „It always rains in Northern Yorkshire“. Julie Tippetts came later, hugs here, hugs there. The first time I ever saw her since Moers New Jazz Festival ’74 or ’75, with „Ovary Lodge“. Charming.

    I asked Robert about his first moments of conquering studio space, after such a long time. – Richard, I’ve left my traces, not so long ago, on Dave Gilmore’s solo album. – Yes, Robert, I bought that one because of your apparition, you’re funny, you became a ghost in the final mix, your trumpet line, lazy-hazy, and gone in  a second!

    Small talk, coffee, memories, I told him that our interview in Purcell Room had been one of the unforgettable ones, a wooden stage, nice acoustics, but, instead of violins and a  Bechstein maestro, Alfie, Robert and me. Freedom to be taken away by more stories.

    The musicians would all be here within an hour, Julie’s drinking green tea. Arve Henriksen is on the way from Heathrow. – Before our appointment, was it 2003, or 1997, I saw you at the riverbank, talking to the bus driver of „Magical  Mystery Tour“. Out of respect, I stayed back, you were old friends, and, in that Beatles movie, remember, he fell in love with the fat lady. God gracious! Robert laughed. – Yes, Mr. Bloodvessel. I recently heard one of his albums, „Velvet Donkey“, he was a wonderful guy and storyteller, you know, English griot, and for sure part of the alchemy of „Rock Bottom“. Agreed.

    Finally the line-up was complete, and we were all listening to some of Robert’s new songs. „Rush of Winter“, „Like Mister Vertigo“, „It’s Always Raining in Northern Yorkshire“. „Death Metal from Hörnum.“ Vintage Wyatt. The double vocals with Julie Tippetts on that „Yorkshire“ song like unearthed recordings from her nearly forgotten masterpiece „Sunset Glow“.

    Later he asked me not to give away too much too early, the record would  probably come out somewhere in 2020. We agreed upon it, and I told him to let some short notes appear like a dream. Speaking of dreams, I gave him an album, with kind regards from the composer.

    „Utopian Tales“ by Stein Urheim. – Robert, I think you’ll love it. There is some American primitive guitar, an exotica vibe from the South Seas, and semi-political songs softly delivered. Playfulness and a touch of Joe Zawinul from „Black Market“-era. I bet a crooked penny these tracks have everything you’re looking for in great songs, escape routes, microtonal adventures, grooves out of nowhere, and  … at that moment, Brian started the tape of a mix  he did at nighttime: „Castiga Coastline“.

  2. Gregor:

    Wonderful Story!!!

  3. Lajla:

    Gregor, jetzt mit oder ohne Eve Risser?

  4. Gregor:

    Okay: „Robert Wyatt & Eve Risser- Rangers In The Night“ kommt auf die Warteliste!

  5. Norbert Ennen:

    Darf man fragen, in welcher Kneipe in Hörnum die berühmte Jukebox steht?

  6. Gregor:

    Ganz geheim!

  7. Norbert Ennen:

    OK. Muss ich halt jeden verdammten Laden in Meernähe checken.

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