
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2017 14 Aug.

„Nearly all the times…“

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off




Brian: (…) You asked about the cover of the album, that’s very much the picture of the cover as well. It’s a picture of a bit of a railway line actually, and it’s a very industrial, not attractive landscape in a way. It looks like a vision of a place you wouldn’t want to live. But in fact by making that kind of false world behind it, it suddenly suggests that it might be a kind of utopia. And I think in the song „A Man Wakes Up“ the same thing happens: the guy suddenly realizes that he’s very happy, he’s very fulfilled. I have this experience sometimes when I remember times in the past, and I think, ah, that was a great time, I was really happy then … If I go and look at my diaries or my notebooks, I’m always complaining (laughs). So these times when actually I was really enjoying it, I thought that things weren’t so good, you know, my perception of the time was, this is a difficult time, my perception in retrospect is – that was a great time. Nearly all the times have been great, actually …

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