
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2017 31 Juli

„The Big Four“

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

I have often said, Eno is reverential for me. I have met many of my heroes, most of them in the sporting world métier, forever regretting trying to talk to them but with “The Great Bald One” it was quite different. I had the pleasure of spending half an hour with the guy backstage at an UnSound Festival in Krakow some years ago. He was dressed in lady stereo surround looking completely serene, engaging in conversation as if he would rather be no where else in the world than hanging out with a clown like me. That is truly an art form in itself.

We celebrate artists for being prolific and Eno for me is the modern world’s true Renaissance Man. His existence and output in the field of creativity has always been a constant source of inspiration for me. It would be a tragic waste of words to put one of these recordings on a higher level than the other because in many ways they are all perfect time capsules for me, adding to the fact that he essentially never went back to this style for his own releases. It seems to keep the joy of returning to Warm Jets, Tiger Mountain, Green World and After Science all the more special. Like a wise man once said, “When I was young, I believed in three things: Marxism, the redemptive power of cinema and dynamite. Now I just believe in Eno.

(Adam Wiltzie, Stars of the Lid a.o.)


I would never say it in these words, but I can very well sympathize with Adam Wiltzie’s compassion for the four „song albums“ from the 70’s. I surely have no heroes, well, except Raylon Givens from the fantastic TV-series „Justified“. In a moment of not-really-thinking-hard, I have decided to do a whole hour about these four records in my long October radio night. What a fool I am! They were part of my radio nights since 1990, what can I do now in such a condensed form but to press repeat and play? Then again, why not, and tell some good stories like the one about loudspeakers hanging in tall trees?!  (m.e.)

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