
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2016 10 Nov.

Here It Is (R.I.P.)

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 3 Comments

Here is your crown
And your seal and rings
And here is your love
For all things.

Here is your cart,
And your cardboard and piss
And here is your love
For all of this.

May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And my love, Goodbye.

Here is your wine,
And your drunken fall
And here is your love.
Your love for it all.

Here is your sickness.
Your bed and your pan
And here is your love
For the woman, the man.

May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And, my love, Goodbye.

And here is the night,
The night has begun
And here is your death
In the heart of your son.

And here is the dawn,
(Until death do us part)
And here is your death,
In your daughter’s heart.

This entry was posted on Donnerstag, 10. November 2016 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Lajla Nizinski:

    Das ist ein sehr schöner Text für seine Kinder.

    Er wohnte zuletzt bei seiner Tochter und sein Sohn nur einige Schritte von ihm entfernt. Ich bin gespannt auf die Melodie dazu.

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    „Leonard neither wanted a book about himself or asked me to write it; nor did he ask if he could read and approve what was in it. But none of these stopped him from giving his support. If I had not had his support, it would not be the book it is.

    In the beginning, I’m sure he must have been in two minds about it – he is after all, as you know, a quite shy and very private man. And to write a book about someone – to do it properly, to go back the source, to retrace his steps, go to the places he’s lived, talk to his childhood friends, his publishers, his muses, his lovers, his musicians, his rabbis and his fellow-monks, digging around for facts and stories and insights – well, it’s a hell of an intrusion.

    But Leonard stopped no-one from talking to me (which is not always the case with the subject of a biography), he even talked to me himself, and allowed me to use material I found in his archives – and loaned me photos from his personal collection.

    It would be nice to think that, as the months of investigation turned into years and he’d get a call from yet another name from the past asking about this British woman who’d asked for an interview, that maybe once or twice, when he picked up the phone it might have made him smile. Whatever his feelings about it, he was the perfect gentleman.“
    – Sylvie Simmons‘ Biographie I’M YOUR MAN liegt in deutscher Übersetzung, mit identischem Titel, vor.

  3. Martina Weber:

    Dear Heather
    Please walk by me again
    With a drink in your hand
    And your legs all white
    From the winter

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