Michael started with IT FOLLOWS, a week ago. It can be a one-liner (!), some short, sharp sentences, a memory, or an elaborated essay, up to any Manafonista. Only a question of time when MULHOLLAND DRIVE will pop up here. It can be an old text, slightly revised. The world of feuilleton is overcrowded with „mainstream academica“. And, it should always have the same headline (english or german) – different titles of course, and editions:
From our series „The best movies of the 21st century“ (first edition): IT FOLLOWS
Aus unserer Reihe „Die besten Kinofilme des 21. Jahrhunderts“ (erste Folge): IT FOLLOWS
Controversial comments are always welcome. It can include documentaries, too. In a postcard from Konstanz, Michael wrote: „FLOTUS is cinematic“, referring to the forthcoming Lambchop album.