
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

evaluatión de las imágenes de video, cámera uno:

unos cacchorritos vagando en un estacionamiento,

rastreando trenes de vida. un proyecto de larga duración. motivado

por la idea de uno pequeña historia, en tiempo real,

en recuerdo continua guardado. algo cambia. tal vez.

un bosquejo y también tu paisaje interior: concreto.


en el segundo piso: una brisa suave juega con moticas de polvo

antes de arrinconarlas, y así, como de volteas,

se queda el miedo en tus ojos, rodeado por la cámera dos.

hallazgo objetivo: somos figuras secundarias, errores pasajeros,

tolerados sin más. donde no hay base no hay miranda de perro que valga.

cámera tres: un centelleo de calor en las paredes exteriores.


Poem (original: german version) by Martina Weber

Translation: Geraldine Gutiérrez-Wienken

This entry was posted on Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2016 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    I always love reading lyrics or record reviews in a language I don’t speak. Especially in languages where I can understand a little bit, sometimes a bit more cause I had Latin and French in school. So Spanish is fun, Italian, too. And Norwegian.

    When I discovered the music of Eno 100 years ago, I was with my fiancé in Perugia and bought an Italian music magazine that was looking great. By that time, I didn’t own ANOTHER GREEN WORLD, but I had ordered it before our journey. And there was this long review!

    So, already being a huge lover of HERE COME THE WARM JETS, TAKING TIGER MOUNTAIN (BY STRATEGY), EVENING STAR (if any reader doesn’t own at least two of these records, something must have gone completely wrong!:)) – waiting was a hard job to do (okay, I was in love, so other good things could wait!). I really tried to turn every Italian word upside down, the sounds, the latin meanings, I didn’t use a dictionary. I read the foreign language like something very personal.

    What I felt, what it communicated incl. all my holes of understanding – oh, this would be a record for constant companionship. And that it really has become.

  2. Lajla Nizinski:

    In caméra quattro das Gedicht für sich alleine laut lesen.

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