Rock music that is not obsessed with teenage love misery and first kisses is „adult oriented rock“. So it’s quite witty that one of the best examples of „adult oriented rock“ (quite a nonsensical term anyway) is the new album „Here“ from the Scotish band with the glorious name „Teenage Fanclub“. Serious stuff for these late, hot summer days, wrapped up in fine tunes and great one-liners. Another one to let yourself sink into: „Schmilco“. Dan Caffrey has written an insightful review on Wilco’s opus. Every single line is worth reading. „Even the record’s calmest songs have tiny sonic details that gnaw at the lobes of the ears and brain.“ Indeed. So let’s forget about „teenage oriented rock“ and face life in all its tricky, weird and wonderful ways of slipping away – and take it all as an offer of dwelling, lingering in the moment, HERE, so to speak. Bide awhile.