
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2016 12 Aug

Brian Eno: Oblique Music (out now at Bloomsbury)

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 2 Comments

Introduction: Brian Eno: A problem of organization – David Pattie and Sean Albiez
PART ONE – Eno: Composer, musician and theorist
1 The Bogus Men: Eno, Ferry and Roxy Music – David Pattie

2 Brian Eno, non- musicianship and the experimental tradition – Cecilia Sun

3 Taking the studio by strategy- David Pattie

4 Between the avant- garde and the popular: The discursive economy of Brian Eno’s musical practices – Chris Atton

5 Yes, but is it music? Brian Eno and the definition of ambient music – Mark Edward Achtermann

6 The Lovely Bones: Music from beyond – Hillegonda C. Rietveld

7 The voice and/of Brian Eno – Sean Albiez
PART TWO – The University of Eno: Production and collaborations
8 Before and after Eno: Situating ‚The Recording Studio as Compositional Tool‘ – Sean Albiez and Ruth Dockwray

9 Control and surrender: Eno remixed – collaboration and Oblique Strategies – Kingsley Marshall and Rupert Loydell

10 Avant-gardism, ‚Africa‘ and appropriation in My Life in the Bush of Ghosts – Elizabeth Ann Lindau

11 Eno and Devo – Jonathan Stewart

12 Another Green World? Eno, Ireland and U2 – Noel McLaughlin

13 Documenting no wave: Brian Eno as urban ethnographer – Martin James


This entry was posted on Freitag, 12. August 2016 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Als das DEVO-Album rauskam, das Brian Eno produziert hat, dachten viele, wow, der Eno-Faktor. Brian erzählte entweder jemand anderem oder mir später einmal, das nie sein Einfluss so gering war wie bei der Produktion jenes Devo-Albums. Die Band, oder der Bandleader, hätten absolut klare, unzweideutige Vorstellungen gehabt von dem, was sie wollten. Ob es eine neue Lesart gibt?

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Photo taken inside Eno’s studio

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