
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2016 20 Feb.

„The Ship“

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags: , , , | 3 Comments

1914, 1917 – The First World War, the Battle of Verdun: faraway times with a birth mark that set the fabric of memory in motion. Soundtracks, novels, movies, documentaries, paintings: Anthony Durr’s All The Light We Cannot See comes to mind, another soundtrack by the Nottingham-Noir-combo Tindersticks – and not far from now, a record will see the light our somehow rather dark days called The Ship. „Inspired by the vast deep ocean where the Titanic sank and the battlefields of WW1“, the whole work „conspires to be immense and intimate at the same time“, James Oldham writes, and continues: „The first track, with its collage of echoing sonar electronics, radio broadcasts and chanted lyrics, is a suitably ambitious opener, but it’s more than matched by what follows. The reverberant atmospherics of `Fickle Sun´, a suite in three parts, are revelatory. The three parts conclude with a weightless cover of Velvet Underground’s `I’m Set Free´, which feels like a completing of a circle for the composer.“ According to Mr. Oldham, it is nothing less than „magnificent“. I would have loved reading a very long and detailed review. But I’m happy to read these lines at all. P.S.: Really great news on a day of complete sleeplessness after a night of full-time activity.

This entry was posted on Samstag, 20. Februar 2016 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Uwe Meilchen:

    Alexander Hacke, former member of german band „Die einstuerzenden Neubauten“ was guest on last Sundays „Zwischentoene“ at Deutschlandfunk. From what I gathered from this radio programme and what he shared about their „Lament“ album, released in 2014, it could be a good compagnion to that „Tindersticks“ Album.

    And, as mankind hasn’t changed since ancient times, perhaps „The Falkland Suite“ by John Cale as well.

  2. Interaktionist:

    Finally, the long awaited new Brian Eno album.

  3. Michael Engelbrecht:

    It certainly doesn’t seem to be the album that Eno discussed with Varifakis. In the Guardian some months ago.

    „The Ship“ ist auch das Progrmm einer aktuellen Installation von Brian Eno. Im März kann man sie in Genf erleben, über Wochen.

    Aber genauso, wie Musik des Klassikers „The Shutov Assmbly“ (1992) zum Teil auf Klängen basierte, die Brians Audio-Video-Installationen zu hören waren, wird auch dieses neue Werk als CD/LP völlig autonom erscheinen, nicht wie das Nebenprodukt einer Ausstellung.

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