
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2015 26 Dez.

(short note – take 3)

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

Dear readers, dear manafonistas! This blog (that is still quite special after all these years) will continue in its own peculiar ways. Though entropy might always be part of the game. I will travel to Northern territories of Europe soon and won’t be back before the last days of January. Be sure, I won’t do any writing here and elsewhere in the meantime, and from this moment onwards, until the last day of January.

And, well, here is something (oh, guilty pleasures!) you really don’t know about me: this is one of the few songs I like to sing in the shower (and, yes, it’s an unashamed, bittersweet echo of my endless numbered days and my „travel project“). Try it, in or out of the shower, or, if you’re part of it, in one of Brian Eno’s a capella meetings – it’s not so easy.  

In the days before a small airplane hits the ground of the Isle of Barra (if you’re funny, call it an airport), I will have written down my last will :) – I digress. A propos „always crashing in the same aeroplane“: my email account finally crashed. Cannot reveive or send any messages that way. Will be strange later on walking through hard rain in Durness. Umbrellas will be easy pray for the wind. Long speech, short goodbye: take care, Michael. P.S.: never leave without a riddle (the photo – it’s not related to jazz musicians on a stage!), and, please, keep it unsolved! 



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