
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2015 24 Dez.

„The Mana Thrill Factory Prize 2015“ (2)

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags:  | Comments off



It has been the first edition, and it has caused a major stir. We will see if the Edgar Awards for modern crime fiction (to be announced in May 2016) can come close to the high quality selection of the Manafonistas Headquarter! The members of the committee spent a long night, making hard decisions, playing, when going for a break, Patty Griffin’s latest album on the sound system (a discovery of Gregs, it’s first single being a long-time runner on a slightly damaged jukebox in Hörnum). Joey asked me a favour doing a photo of the winner’s book („The Dark Inside“) in natural sourroundings. That was not so easy because it was storming like hell on the coast of Sylt yesterday. But finally, on the entrance of a forbidden path to the dunes, I made the photo. Joey will post it after Christmas. (By the way, and remembering Brian Eno’s track on „Tracks and Traces“ with Harmonia: „don’t get lost in Hörnum dunes“!) The story of the book is placed at the the border of Texas and Arkansas, in 1946, it’s hard-boiled, noir at its best, and a stunning debut of a writer who lives in London. That I didn’t know while vanishing between the pages  for the most of three days and nights) – so my next travel to Brian Eno’s studio (there will be a new album out in 2016) might be part of a somehow longer London list of meetings and interviews.

This entry was posted on Donnerstag, 24. Dezember 2015 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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