2015 20 Nov.
The incredible encounter of two masterpieces of 20th century music
von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 7 Comments
Michael Engelbrecht:
Now that’s a tricky one. Any answers?
Uwe Meilchen:
The first one is quite easy … it’s a part of the sleeve for # 4 of that series …, # 3 has just been re.released on vinyl …, but the second one, that newspaper *is really* quite tricky – can’t remember any record sleeve with such a motif
Michael Engelbrecht:
No cover the other one … From the inside, the fake book from Thick As A Brick.
Jan Reetze:
I always have to smile when I see this — the first edition of Siegfried Schmidt-Joos‘ „Rock Lexikon“ took this cover (and the story behind it) for serious.
Michael Engelbrecht:
And what a wonderful record it still is!
Uwe Meilchen:
Yes, one of my favourite Albums — and as I only own the CD release from the Chrysalis Label with no further inlay photos it’s no suprise that I didn’t know that particular (faked!) newspaper sheet ! ;-D
Michael Engelbrecht:
Be sure: the music is the essential thing here, and The Electric Cinema will open its Prog Rock Fairy Days next spring with 4 major works of Jethro Tull, and, in between, a funny lecture about the rise and fall of Progressive Rock in the 70’s.