„Je me promène. Principalement, je me promène.“
„But then the monotony of the images we consume gets the upper hand, reflecting the monotony of the action which produces them, the slow rolling motion of finger and thumb that rotates the kaleidoscope.“
„We think we are living in the world, when in fact we are taking our place in a perspective. Not the simultaneous perspective of primitive painters: the point of reference is always somewhere else.“
„Noontime means luncheon for someone
Night time means sleep for the same
Daytime means brightness for someone
But to me they all mean the rain“
„I’ve got pocketsful of solutions to the problems of the world
I’ve got barbecues like footballs perched on green glass balconies where dereliction used to fester where the coffee bars spread like weeds and lights flicker eternal“
„I never cared so much about making perfect sense. I wanted to make perfect nonsense. I wanted to tell jokes, but I didn’t give a fuck about the punch line.“
2015 8 Nov.