
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2015 12 Okt.

Happy to dislocate

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

„Happy to dislocate while he educated, John Peel caught the listener repeatedly off guard, revelling in surprise and innovation. A sequence of music might go something like this: Mississippi blues > riot grrrl > sludge metal > Berlin techno > Northumberland folk > Toronto surf-punk > Zimbabwean chimurenga > Seattle grunge. You don’t have to be au fait with all the genres to get a palpable sense of dizziness. The effect was like being whisked ariund a museum by a caffeine-overdosed tour guide with a train to catch. Look at this, Now this. Move faster. Come on.“ (Aus John Cavanagh: Good Night And Good And Riddance) 

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