
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2015 1 Aug.

The Decline of French Philosophy

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

„Ode To Perfume“


„My best wine experiences have been with French wines, so I think the best French wines are the best wines. But there are also so many bad French wines – there’s such a range. A long time ago I wrote an essay called Wines classified according to their effects, because I was convinced there was a different type of drunkenness from each kind of wine. That was the reason I got into Burgundy, because I noticed Aloxe- Corton in particular made people laugh. Bordeaux is a bad drunk for me. I think Bordeaux wines are largely responsible for the decline in French philosophy in the last 50 years. I think the problem is that Bordeaux makes you think that everything you are saying is really quite important.“ (Brian Eno)

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