
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2015 23 Juni

Gazing at Waterloo

von: Lajla Nizinski Filed under: Blog | TB | 2 Comments



I take you to the Fields of FOLON, just 2 miles down the road from Waterloo. Folon was against any torture, war or cruelty. He just painted the human „must haves“: freedom, happiness, peace. I take you there to show you the beauty in colours, lines and his dreams. It’s clear to me, that you first saw his art on the covers of THE NEW YORKER. Then it occurred that a busdriver pointed to a small church on the road. „You should visit this church, very beautiful.“ You did.

It was Folon, who created the stained glass windows. You recognized his symbols: the birds, the stars, the man, who is carrying the sun. I knew, that he had read some of the famous philosophers. I didn’t care. I want you to take to his fine fields. You should forget the theory of the white aesthetic from minimalism or conceptart. You create your own law of awareness. You will paint your own dreams. I bet, you will be in paradise, gazing at Waterloo sunset, lightspeed up the road.



This entry was posted on Dienstag, 23. Juni 2015 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Lajla Nizinski:

    Jean-Michel Folon, belgischer Maler.[1934-2005]
    Die Folon-Stiftung befindet sich im Schlosspark La Hulpe, suedlich von Bruessel.

  2. Martina Weber:

    Was mir an dem oberen Bild besonders gefällt, ist, dass nicht nur das Irdische, die Welt, abgebildet ist, sondern da schweben auch ne Menge Sterne.

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