
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2015 1 Jun

KARAVANSERAI: springstrings

von: Henning Bolte Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags: , | Comments off


And a new episode in my KARAVANSERAI series: strings again, spring strings this time! Michael Galasso, Niels Økland, Kim Kashkashian, Karin Nakagawa, Sinikka Langeland. Not more, not more, it’s so rich!
Michael Galasso – High Lines. ECM
1 Caravanserai Day
2 Never More
Nils Økland – Kjølvatn. ECM
3 Start
4 Undergrunn
5 Drev
6 Kjølvatn
7 Fivreld
8 Blå Harding
9 Amstel
Kim Kashkashian – Neharot. ECM New Series
10 Tagh for the Funeral of the Lord
11 Oros
Anders Jormin/Lena Willemark/Karin Nakagawa – Tree Of Light. ECM
12 Hirajoshi
Sinikka Langeland – The half-finished heaven. ECM
13 The blue tit’s spring song
Michael Galasso – High Lines. ECM
14 High Lines
15 Caravanserai Night

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