
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2015 8 März

Sound Kitchen

von: Lajla Nizinski Filed under: Blog | TB | 3 Comments

The sign was tempting: „Fresh catch of the day.“ Why not try an Irish Pub for a nice dinner? The food came, the Guiness tasted wonderful, but suddenly an awful loud noise swept over the place. Usually I like the Dixie Chicks and I always sing along when I listen to „Unknown soldier“. But with Fish and Chips and a friend to talk to? A Nogo.

I wished John Meyer and his wife were here and would call the owner to explain their invention: the soundbox. Recently I read about it in the „New Yorker“ and was fascinated by its effect. John Meyer is an audio engineer from California, who installs a conversation-friendly setting in different places. Sound absorbing panels are installed in the walls of the seating area, in a back room is the system’s digital processor, which can be controlled with a tablet. The reverb energy of the noise, caused by loud music or loud people is gently retouched. So maybe next time I can go into an Irish Pub and have a decent conversation, but no Irish Stew.

This entry was posted on Sonntag, 8. März 2015 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Ian M:

    Restau reverb is a pest.

  2. Uwe Meilchen:

    As far as I have experienced and if it’s a REAL Irish pub there’s always some Irish music like De Danann or Chieftains playing in the background — or even a knees-up/sing-a-long going on after all had consumed a few pints…

  3. Lajla Nizinski:

    Uwe, it was an Irish pub in Brussels. Nix fuer mich jedenfalls.

    „Ich bin fuer gute Unterhaltung,
    feuchtfroehliche Abende, Intimitaet,
    vins rouges en carafe, Lesen, relative Einsamkeit,
    Schaufensterglotzen, Gassenschlendern,
    Kaffeehaushocken… Ich bin fuer die europaeischen Verworrenheiten, die
    untergruendigen und mannigfachen
    Schichtungen der Alten Welt, fuer den
    Norden, fuer die Welt der Gedanken. Ich bin
    fuer das Hotel de la Louisiane.“
    [Cyrill Connolly, Journal 1928-1937]

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