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2014 31 Dez.

The second parallel reading adventure

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 13 Comments

It will start in the last week of January. Now the deadline is over, and we will be five: Lajla, Thomas, Ian, Wolfram, Michael. How said Lajla, after collecting first impressions: „Johnny Cash Prime Time!“

“Once in a blue moon a book drops down on your desk that demands to be read. You pick it up and read the first page, and then the second, and you are hooked. Such a book is Ordinary Grace…This is a book that makes the reader feel better just by having been exposed to the delights of the story. It will stay with you for quite some time and you will always remember it with a smile.”

“One cannot read Ordinary Grace without feeling as if it is destined to be hailed as a classic work of literature. Ordinary Grace is one of those very rare books in which one regrets reaching its end, knowing that the experience of having read it for the first time will never be repeated. Krueger, who is incapable of writing badly, arguably has given us his masterpiece.”

Overall praise for the book that will be the central theme of our second parallel reading adventure.




And, yes, it is only available in English, as a paperback, or in the e-book edition.

Willliam Kent Krueger’s ORDINARY GRACE is 336 pages long, as always, there is one and only one first price to win, this time it consists of:

– The Missing (season 1) – english only (DVD-box)
– The Place Beyond The Pines (DVD, german, english)
– Under The Skin (DVD, german, english)
– Peaky Blinders (season 1 & 2, DVD, english only)



Here the dates for the parallel reading episodes:
Till February 1st:


Chapter 1 – 10

(You have to write your first comment till Feb. 1st (and so on) – in the end there would be five comments, Sunday is always the last possible day of sending your weekly impressions and remarks to our webmaster)

Till February 8th

Chapter 11 – 19

Till February 15th

Chapter  20 – 28

Till February 22nd

Chapter 29 – 33


Till March 1st (the final chapters plus epilogue incl. your evaluation of the whole book)

This entry was posted on Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2014 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    I hope there will be at least two readers. I’m number one :)

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Correction: your email adress can only be read by the Manafonistas!

    There will never be more than two parallel reading experiences during a year, and one of four books will be an English original. Fair enough.

  3. Michael Engelbrecht:

    If it’s only me in the end, it can be called:

    „The soltary non-parallel reading adventure“

    This time I will belong to the last men (and women) reading, in case the parallel universe will open up:) i have never read anything from this author except the first page of this book.

  4. Ian M:

    I’ll give this one a shot.

  5. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Meaning you will be no. 2? Or will have a look inside?

  6. Wolfram:

    Wie wär’s mal mit Parallelhören?
    Eine bedeutsame Neuerscheinung?

  7. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Eins neben dem andern:) das Buch wäre übrigens ein gefundenes Fressen für dich, denn Kinder und Jugendliche scheinen da eune besondere Rolle zu spielen. Are you reading english books?

  8. Thomas:

    Excellent choice – I’m game! Couple of years ago I read some of Krueger’s Cork O’Connor books which I highly recommend. As far as I remember Krueger wanted to become the „new Hemingway“ but had to give up because he had to make a living from his writing. So he wrote mystery novels instead.

  9. Wolfram:

    English book ist nicht der Grund für mein Zögern, sondern eine gewisse pynchonbedingte Erschöpfung. 3 Wochen Rekonvaleszenz, dann schau ich mal in das Buch rein, remembering Thomas‘ „Excellent choice“.

  10. Michael Engelbrecht:

    So, Thomas, now we’re at least two, I’m so happy I’m not alone anymore. And I hope Ian is joining us. Some scotish vibes would be the ice on the cake. Hope for Wolfram, too. And everyone from the „club“, and some strangers.

  11. Ian M:

    Michael – yes, I will be the second to take on the parallel reading. I’ve ordered the book so should hopefully have my copy soon.

  12. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Now we are three – fine.

  13. Michael Engelbrecht:

    And now we are five – the circle has been closed. NOW!

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