
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2014 30 Dez.

Albatrosh kindly answers my three questions

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off


The song Sheriff is based on a strange and funny groove Eyolf (the piano player) came up with – very determined but still a bit unsteady. We played and improvised with this idea for a couple of hours, composed a melody and started finding the essence of it. The title is inspired by the old American western series „Bonanza“ of which features a sheriff character. And this sheriff is both very determined and a bit unsteady …



The song Hula Hoop started with some rhythmical ideas André (the sax player) had written down. The piano part had some very difficult rhythmic combinations, and playing it felt like using a hula hoop (something none of us ever managed to do). That´s the reason for this title. Musically we try to do very rapid changes in mood and style when we improvise, as the main theme (in the beginning of the song) has these strange rapid changes … very fun song to play, especially during concerts!



Our main goal is to try to find original and organic ways to make music go forward. And in every case, the composition is the main factor in deciding which way to go! We spend a lot of time with the compositions, finding the right mood and finding ways to improvise within the song. We most certainly have influences from many different jazz artists, both American jazz and European contemporary music – but when do our Albatrosh-music, we try to put those influences aside and just play … Albatrosh. All music, in our opinion, needs some resistance, some contrast, and we try to serve the music as best we can.

This entry was posted on Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2014 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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