
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2014 10 Sep.

„Electronic Griot“-afterglow

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 3 Comments

Hello Michael,

I am listening to Penguin Cafe Orchestra while typing, and thought it would be a nice moment to write you a short mail. We met at the Punktfestival. I told you I am moving to London in November with my girlfriend.

Your lecture / performance / seminar was my ‚pioneer trail‘ to the Punktfestival. I hitchhiked from Leipzig to Kristiansand and it was worthwhile the uncomfortable moments. At your seminar I felt welcome, warm, connected, in a cozy living room before a fireplace listening to a story with music in the background. I remember it as an intimate expedition in a universe created with a lot of care. And, you gave me a bridge to the rest of the concerts.

Well, we would love to meet up for a coffee – or visit the indian restaurant at upper st martin street together. I think it would be great to know how you perceive London. Hope to hear from you!

Liebe Grüsse aus Leipzig,
Chris and Miranda

This entry was posted on Mittwoch, 10. September 2014 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Thanks, I didn’t pay you for writing such a heartfelt comment :) , but I will definitely invite you to my favourite Indian restaurant!

  2. Uwe Meilchen:

    Sehr schoen — da sage noch jemand, dass Internet mache die Welt nicht kleiner und stelle Verbindungen (Kontakte?) her. Eine Bitte: ueber das Konzert von Laurie Anderson und Arve Hendriksen wuerde ich gern noch ein paar Eindruecke mehr hoeren – dieses eine, sehr stimmungsvolle Photo weckt mein Interesse ! .-D

  3. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Chris‘ letter even reveals more of its allusions (is that the right word for „Anspielungen“) when you read it with the tracklist of the show in the back of your mind….

    The Tracklist of the “Electronic Griot”-Lecture

    1) Ensemble Economique: Interval Signals (from: INTERVAL SIGNALS)

    2) Penguin Cafe Orchestra: Milk (from: MUSIC FROM THE PENGUIN CAFE)

    3) Hakon Stene: See Our Lake (I) (from: LUSH LAMENTS FOR LAZY MAMMAL)

    4) Erik Honore: Sanctuary / Pioneer Trail (from: HELIOGRAPHS)

    5) Thomas Köner Tiento para Elma (from: TIENTO DE LA NIEVES) – Denovali Records (probably to be released in October 2014)

    6) Kim Kashkasian: Hoy, Nazan (from: HAYREN – MUSIC OF KOMITAS AND TIGRAN MANSURIAN)

    7) Mirel Wagner: The Dirt (from: WHEN THE CELLAR CHILDREN SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY)

    8) Eno/Hyde: To Us All, (from: SOMEDAY WORLD) – WARP RECORDS

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